
Generative AI holds near-limitless possibilities, and with that has come a near-limitless set of tools to create content using Generative AI. On these pages, we provide a comprehensive list of the most significant known tools to make Generative AI work for you.

Text Generation

Tools that primarily use Large Language Models (LLMs) for text generation, code, writing aids, etc.

AI Agents

AI Agents combine and automate several AI-driven tasks to fulfill a pre-specified goal or outcome. Think of them as automation for AI. Instead of specifying every task yourself, you just supply the desired end result.

Image generation

These tools generate images such as deepfakes, image synthesis models, and style transfer models.

Music generation

These tools generate music such as neural network-based music composers and music recommendation engines.

Video generation

These tools generate videos such as deepfake videos, video synthesis models, and video prediction models.

“Presenter” Avatar Video creators

Generate videos with an avatar “presenter”. Suited for businesses creating sales videos, presentations, or support content.

Voice generation

These tools generate human-like voices for applications such as virtual assistants and audiobooks.

Data generation

These tools generate synthetic data for use in training and testing machine learning models.

AI Spreadsheets: Rows

Web Scraping Tools: WebScrapeAI

Code generation

These tools generate code such as auto-complete and auto-suggest functions in programming environments.

Game generation

These tools generate game content such as level design, character design, and storyline creation.

3D model generation

These tools generate 3D models such as shape and texture synthesis models and 3D animation software.

Design generation

These tools generate design assets such as logos, website layouts, and product packaging designs.

Miscellaneous Tools

Convert Web Page to Text – great for copying and pasting content into chatbots like ChatGPT for further analysis.

Simplified – an all-in one Generative AI tool. Includes design, writing, video generation and more.